Wednesday, December 15, 2010

News of More Tests

I'm so grateful for all of the people who open their lives to others so that we can learn.  Thanks to the McCallum Memoirs for helping to understand a lot of the process.  As I was reading about the agony of the wait, my own call came in from the doctor.   ("How are you doing?"  "Good....well, hanging in there.")

Follicular lesion of undetermined significance.  Not benign, not malignant (cancer), but a follicular lesion of undetermined significance. Getting a foggy answer is just prolonging the agony.  This will most likely need to come out anyway, since I'm having trouble breathing but it would have been nice to know what it is we're dealing with.

The next step is an iodine uptake test to determine if the 4cm nodule is 'hot' or 'cold'.  Then a referral to an endocronologist.  The test probably won't happen until after the new year, the doc said.   Great.   What a nice gift for the holidays.

But I will choose to not look far down the road and will take this, too, One Day at a Time.  The next step is enjoying Christmas with family and friends.    Then the test.   And then whatever is next.

For now, today, I am alive and well and writing.