Thursday, April 14, 2011

KJV Quote of the Day -13

Romans 5:1

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ


There's an incredible sense of powerlessness as I learn of my Dad's turn for the worse when he's so far away and I can't physically see him like I used to.   Seems his doctor cancelled his recent round of chemo yesterday, as he now has anemia and is getting a blood transfusion today.
I don't know if it's misinformation of parents protecting children, but it seems he DOES have spots on his lungs after all and will have lung biopsies done next Wednesday.
Mom is just hanging on and trying her best not to "lose it" herself.  She's at risk of losing her husband and there's nothing anyone can do or say to make it better.

A huge sense of sadness is overcoming me now and I'm trying my hardest to "Search for Mo" and find that bright side to all of this as a small family unravels.

Hang in there!  Tomorrow IS a new day and God will not give us more than we can handle.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New Frontiers

A friend and co-worker has changed jobs and moved out of the local area today.  Now's the time for all of us impacted, to reflect on our time together.  When people come into our lives then leave suddenly or in a shorter time than expected, we feel a sense of loss.

That's when we reflect on the reasons for that relationship, the good things that arose from it, and lessons learned of ourselves and others.

For my friend, this is a time of a New Frontier.  After a separation, life torn apart, she found strength to move forward and is onward to a successful new adventure.  Whatever lies ahead, she is now on a new path.  Excitement, fear and happiness bundled into one.

She, I and our circle of acquaintences reflected on all that we learned from each other:  How to be a friend, handling workplace drama and gossip, medical collaboration, theories discussed and pondered.  Ideas and laughter.  We reviewed all those things that made us friends and then it made it even worse to part when we realized what we had in each other.

So for you today:  don't take for granted those relationships around you, no matter how insignificant you think they are.   They are a significant part of you when it influences your life.

Let's help each other to love our acquaintances, friends, relatives and close loved-ones.

We'll miss you friend.  You know who you are.   It was great to know you.

-- mo --

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Feel Good Pic & Poem #8

Picture of Afternoon sun rays - Free Pictures -
After storms erupt and tear through
Remember, there IS an end to the destruction
Light anew.
- m. o'hearn  4-6-2011-

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hanging On and Reaching for Better Days

While I am blessed to be in the final stages of recovery from my surgery, I still have a worry in my heart for my Dad.  We've made arrangements to trek down for a visit before his planned bladder reconstruction surgery.  He's currently undergoing chemotherapy and I think this visit will break up some of the monotony of the fight.  Something to give him a  little pep in his step!  Especially before going through another major surgery.  I'm so thankful for my understanding husband and employer.

I tend to minimize my own ordeal as it is nothing nearly as difficult but I do want to give you an update of my progress for those who are concerned about the same thyroid issue.  Especially at a younger age than what is considered "the time" in a woman's life to have thyroid issues.

Let me start by saying again that it's GREAT to be able to breathe again and must also express the relief in knowing that no cancer is eating me alive.
With that, my endrocrinologist has started me on a light dose of Levothyroxine and it seems to be giving me some energy.  But I may very well need an increase to the dose, since I don't feel exactly myself.
Still hard to tell how much is recovering from surgery and how much is due to a high TSH level, giving me symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Going to blood work tests in about 7 more weeks.
Singing has been the biggest challenge.  I've had to start back at the sheer basics:  do-re-mi-fa-so-la-te-do!
More to come.......