Wednesday, December 29, 2010

KJV Quote of the Day -6

Proverbs 17:22

A MERRY heart doeth good [like] a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Feel Good Picture #2

Canada beautiful landscape

Lose yourself in this intimate moment of silence,
Inserting yourself into the scenic backdrop
Of the living Earth.
Be as a sliver of grass rising from the island
And breathing deep, the nourishment of the natural life.

                                     - - M.O. 2010

Photo:  Courtesy

KJV Quote of the Day -5

Matthew 11:28

Come unto me, all [ye] that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Rest is Good

There is nothing like REST for the recovery of body and mind.  

This 3-day holiday weekend allowed me an extra day of much-needed time.  Time is always the struggle of our modern life and this was one time I was going to take every minute of it to enjoy.   I even took the advice of friends and sat down while watching a movie.   Not only did I watch "Holiday" with Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz, but I also watched "Julie & Julia".  Both were just what I needed to pamper myself.   Along with napping and puttering around the house and yard with the dogs.   A dog's life is what I enjoyed for at least one of those day and just as I suspected of my canine's world:  It was GREAT!    My body's health feels great today and my mind is free.

Now, the challenge comes in keeping this restful, stress-free feeling and hanging on to it for the rest of this short work week.  Thank goodness for another holiday coming up.   Just in case a little bit of stress decides to jump on my bandwagon, I'll have a chance to recharge before the start of a new year and a new approach to life.

Rest IS good.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stress Relief Tip - Botanical Garden visit

Tulip flowers
Breathe in the beauty of a botanical garden. 
Stroll amidst a variety of colors and scents.
Aromatics distract our senses and can provide a peaceful alternative
to the stress of our thoughts.

Botanical Gardens in Virginia
Williamsburg Botanical Garden:
Norfolk Botanical Garden:
Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden (Richmond):
Meadowlark Botanical Gardens (Vienna):

photo courtesy:

Feel Good Picture #1

Outdoor dog play
When you're down, just a picture of a cute puppy can make you SMILE!
If  you have a doggie at home, give him/her a big cuddle and be thankful for that unconditional love.

photo courtesy:

When it's Your Dad

So many things fall into the background and are of little importance when bad news comes in about your Dad.  Mine just got diagnosed with Bladder Cancer and will have surgery in 2 weeks. 
God, please take care of my Dad according to Your will and please comfort our Mom.

With love,
your child

KJV Quote of the Day -4

1 Peter 4:13

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Keeping Hopeful over the Holiday

Well, the Thyroid Uptake and Scan was completed yesterday with my last geiger-counter measurement this morning.   Being sick around the holidays isn't that good for the waiting aspect of the waiting.  I think that's why we're called "patients".   We must have patience in order to continue without frustration and anxiety, which will only make matters worse.   So, I go into the next few days looking to the bright side of these events of late:   I have great friends at work that I didn't realize I had until all of this.  My dear friends looked out for me while I had another migraine bout and severe pain in my neck along with nausea.  Checking in on me, offering a ride back to the doctor or home.  Phone calls and e-mails from family and friends for support.

God is showing me the compassion and love that IS around me.   It is so easy to forget that we are all here to help each other live.   I can only hope that I gain and keep this wisdom so that I may be just as compassionate and loving when others need me.

Merry Christmas everyone!  

KJV Quote of the Day -3

John 15:19

If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Man on the Corner

I miss him.  The man on the corner of town going out of Orange.  Just outside of the Madison House.  He was an aging African-American man who walked with a cane.  I never heard him talk.  Never saw him do anything really except shuffle along one part of the sidewalk to another in the early morning.  Only during the Spring and Summer, though, when daylight made it a little easier to get ready for work.   I don't even know who he was or what his life was about, but I know that in the sunset of his life he made a great impact.
He smiled and waved EVERY time I drove by.  And not just me, but he smiled and waved at everyone who went by.
Like I said, he made a great impact:  He made me smile and I miss him.

We never know what little things we do that will have an impact on someone.   So we have to try and just smile at strangers sometimes.
I haven't seen the man on the corner in over a year now.  And I'm saddened that he may have passed on.  But I hope he's up there in Heaven waving and welcoming everyone in.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

News of More Tests

I'm so grateful for all of the people who open their lives to others so that we can learn.  Thanks to the McCallum Memoirs for helping to understand a lot of the process.  As I was reading about the agony of the wait, my own call came in from the doctor.   ("How are you doing?"  "Good....well, hanging in there.")

Follicular lesion of undetermined significance.  Not benign, not malignant (cancer), but a follicular lesion of undetermined significance. Getting a foggy answer is just prolonging the agony.  This will most likely need to come out anyway, since I'm having trouble breathing but it would have been nice to know what it is we're dealing with.

The next step is an iodine uptake test to determine if the 4cm nodule is 'hot' or 'cold'.  Then a referral to an endocronologist.  The test probably won't happen until after the new year, the doc said.   Great.   What a nice gift for the holidays.

But I will choose to not look far down the road and will take this, too, One Day at a Time.  The next step is enjoying Christmas with family and friends.    Then the test.   And then whatever is next.

For now, today, I am alive and well and writing.

KJV Quote of the Day -2

1 John 4:18

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is  not made perfect in love.

Handling a "Biopsy" Scare

Well, today's the day I'm supposed to call my doctor to find out results of a biopsy in my neck.  There are many medical things we deal with in life and they are all serious as we journey through them.  As we get older, hindsight has a way of making things seem so small.  Especially when certain medical terms arise.  Biopsy is one.  Cancer is the next but I don't even want to venture to those thoughts.

"One Step At A Time" are the words holding me steady for these last several weeks.  

Fear of the "what is this feeling" motivated a trip to my doctor.  Blood tests, CAT scan, Ultrasound, and an Ultrasound-guided biopsy later, I'm getting ready to learn more.  My luck, they won't know yet and I'll have to wait.  But this test of my optimism is weighing on me and "Trust in God" is the other phrase holding me together.

Remind me that my worry takes the trust out of God's hands.  I'm not strong enough so I let Him take me forward a moment at a time.  Right now.  Here.  This moment.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

KJV Quote of the Day -1

John 3:17

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

Getting through the Day

How many times in our lives do we find it hard to get out of bed?  To get out to the car just to head in to start the workday?  We have so many tools at our fingertips today that give us good tips and tricks for distracting ourselves from our worries, fear and exhaustion.    Out of ALL of them, though, my favorite is forcing myself into a quiet place.  FORCING myself to shut everything out while I get a minute with God.  Recharging for the moment to get to the next phase of my day.

"Lord, please cover me in your strength and guidance today.  I just don't have the strength or will to do it, so I'm asking you to please enliven the Holy Spirit in me today to be my energy, my actions and my words.  When I get home tonight, I'll rest in You to get more strength to join in tomorrow, but for now please work in me.  I can't do this myself today.  All glory to your strength and magnificence!  Amen."

Let me and others know what helps to get you through the day.  

Saturday, December 11, 2010

BLOG Kick-off

My friend Cyndi has repeatedly told me to start a blog.  Did I listen?  No.
But today, I went to my Riverside Writers group and was inspired after speaking with John M. Wills. 
A wonderful author who lit a fire in me to not be fearful.  Why am I afraid when I have these ideas that must be presented?  I have to try, even if I fail and it's not great.  I can say I did it.

So here it is, my friends.  I don't know what may drive this, but I hope to pass along the inspiration.  A little bit of my view.  I hope a little of yours.  And together we'll search for a little bit mo.


Thank you friends!