I miss him. The man on the corner of town going out of Orange. Just outside of the Madison House. He was an aging African-American man who walked with a cane. I never heard him talk. Never saw him do anything really except shuffle along one part of the sidewalk to another in the early morning. Only during the Spring and Summer, though, when daylight made it a little easier to get ready for work. I don't even know who he was or what his life was about, but I know that in the sunset of his life he made a great impact.
He smiled and waved EVERY time I drove by. And not just me, but he smiled and waved at everyone who went by.
Like I said, he made a great impact: He made me smile and I miss him.
We never know what little things we do that will have an impact on someone. So we have to try and just smile at strangers sometimes.
I haven't seen the man on the corner in over a year now. And I'm saddened that he may have passed on. But I hope he's up there in Heaven waving and welcoming everyone in.