Well, the Thyroid Uptake and Scan was completed yesterday with my last geiger-counter measurement this morning. Being sick around the holidays isn't that good for the waiting aspect of the waiting. I think that's why we're called "patients". We must have patience in order to continue without frustration and anxiety, which will only make matters worse. So, I go into the next few days looking to the bright side of these events of late: I have great friends at work that I didn't realize I had until all of this. My dear friends looked out for me while I had another migraine bout and severe pain in my neck along with nausea. Checking in on me, offering a ride back to the doctor or home. Phone calls and e-mails from family and friends for support.
God is showing me the compassion and love that IS around me. It is so easy to forget that we are all here to help each other live. I can only hope that I gain and keep this wisdom so that I may be just as compassionate and loving when others need me.
Merry Christmas everyone!