It's been some time since I wrote of my Dad last but I can report that I've since gone to visit him so I could see for myself what this disease is doing to him. My Dad is such a strong man. I can see why I waited so long to find the right husband that could even come close to the model man that my father gave me growing up.
My immediate response is "the visit went great!" "Dad looks good." "You'd never even know, if it wasn't for his bald head." We laughed and did stuff around the house to help out and we ate.
After such a short whirlwind visit and events sinking in, it dawns on me that Dad had another round of chemo after we left and the concept of my Dad having cancer seeps in and I cry.
God, please keep my Dad strong so he can take his chemo, go through another surgery and then the follow-up chemo. We have a long way to go and I ask that you keep him close to you and keep him strong. Amen.