Today's the day many people say, "this is the first day of the rest of my life". This is a great time to shake off the aches and emotional pains of last year and to go forward refreshed and empowered. Even if you didn't take the time to make a list or reflect on the year(s) past, you can take this moment now to think and act the way we see our ideal selves. Yes, you might "fail" or fall by the wayside or even give up completely, but if you just tell yourself you will try as long as you can to be the best person; well, trying is all anyone can ask for.
If you've walked right back into a stressful situation, be it work or home, now can be the time to assess our strategy for moving forward this year.
Pace yourself. In ALL things.
Pace yourself.
Ask for help of friends or strangers or anyone you can get a hold of.
It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes a world of caring companions to survive as an adult.
Be the best part of yourself today as we all try to navigate this journey.
May you be well and live hearty in 2011.
-- MO